vaultlib: a Go Vault client library for reading secrets

A simple, lightweight Go library for getting secrets from Hashicorp Vault


2 minute read

Moving applications to containers can require some considerable development efforts. One of the important transitions is the application’s configuration. In traditional deployments, configuration is usually performed “individually” on the target server. Some organizations use deployment or automation tools, others might even do that manually.

On-Premises Kubernetes… The Hard Way

Step by step Kubernetes 1.10 on-premises setup


1 minute read

While preparing the CKA exam, I have been using minikube and kubeadm or Rancher’s rke to bootstrap kubernetes clusters. Those tools are very nice but I wanted to understand all the details of a full setup. The best for this is the excellent “Kubernetes The Hard Way” tutorial from Kelsey Hightower.

From to Hugo on Netlify now powered by Hugo, deployed and hosted on Netlify


1 minute read

When I decided to start blogging and have my own “site”, I chose as it is was for me the easiest and most comfortable solution. I have been using it for a few month and to be fair, I think the product and service are ok.


3 minute read

Rancher Labs has released Rancher 2.0 Tech Preview on 26th of September. The 2.0 release is a significant one as it brings many changes compared to 1.x versions. Based on current Rancher users feedback, market trends (almost all major infrastructure providers offer “Kubernetes-As-A-Service”), and some vision (“Kubernetes everywhere”), they have re-engineered Rancher 2.0 to be fully based on Kubernetes.


1 minute read

I am developing a small domotics back-end in Go, mainly as a learning method. I already did that in NodeJs and as I wanted to learn Golang, I decided to re-develop same kind of tool. This time, I am doing it more “properly” in terms of testing coverage. And as Go is a compiled language, I have setup an automated build, test and release process using Travis CI, Coveralls and goreleaser. Those tools are amazing!